Surrounded By Reality

Madison, WI has been described as "43 square miles of land surrounded by reality". Actually, I think it's 77...... Being a Madison native I liked this title. Agree or disagree, the important thing is to get involved and learn what's going on and how it affects you..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Something To Think About.....

From Yahoo News today-

"GM has cut about 19,000 hourly jobs represented by the UAW through buyouts and early retirement incentives over the past six months. It now employs about 64,000 blue-collar workers in the United States, a spokesman said on Tuesday. "

So in six months GM has cut blue collar jobs equal to about two times the current estimated total population of Wasilla. AK....Hmmmmm, makes you think about the abilities and qualifications of political candidates-doesn't it?


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