Surrounded By Reality

Madison, WI has been described as "43 square miles of land surrounded by reality". Actually, I think it's 77...... Being a Madison native I liked this title. Agree or disagree, the important thing is to get involved and learn what's going on and how it affects you..

Thursday, October 09, 2008

How The Markets Really Work

How did these comedians see it coming
when financial reporters did not?

I received this video from a friend. Below are the comments that we included with the video from the original poster....

Yes, it really is this bad

Another example of humor that is deadly accurate.

I worked on Wall Street for a few years, elbow to elbow with "top" investment bankers.

It was one big casino with the saps in pensions funds and savings and loans (and us) being used to finance the game and cover the losses.

Amazingly, this was recorded in 2007.


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