Surrounded By Reality

Madison, WI has been described as "43 square miles of land surrounded by reality". Actually, I think it's 77...... Being a Madison native I liked this title. Agree or disagree, the important thing is to get involved and learn what's going on and how it affects you..

Sunday, October 05, 2008

VP Debate on SNL

These just keep getting better & better.

What's scary is that Tina Fey's portrayal of Palin is so accurate...Palin could actually become Vice President- even scarier then Dan Quayle who was VP....Palin believes in the Dick Cheney model of the office- we all know how dangerous that is...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

all things considered, it's not surprising that the GOP won't schedule any more unscripted air time for Palin

7:06 PM  

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